Sunday, May 17, 2020

amazing animals BY Deon sebastian dk half preview other half preview coming soon....

1  Color changing chameleon
by Deon Sebastian D K

Chameleons belong to
the reptile family . they always change colors so it easy for it to hide from predators.
their favorite food is flies and has a long tongue just like a frog ! it has a long tail. we cannot see them all the time because they can change colors.

2 unicorn fish
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do you now unicorns ? yeah they are telling its not real but there is a creature called as unicorn fish. unicorn fish is a fish witch is like a unicorn but it is not full like unicorn but it has a tusk like a unicorn

3 sea cucumber
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there is a animal called as sea cucmber .it looks like a cucumber but its not its an
animal it looks like a cucumber and it can move that is the reason why its named as sea cucumber .

4 sand dollar
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sand dollar is an animal which looks like biscuits but its not a biscuit althogh its look like a biscuit